Saturday, March 28, 2009

force of nature

Dinner with Uncle Koh, Max, Gwen, and family.
It was okay, and quite fun
except for the fact that the buffet sucked.
they didn't have chicken.
and since I don't eat beef/pork/mutton/duck,
the only thing I had, consisted of fishcakes and rice

I love my sister.
But I hate it when she sings during car rides.

Friday, March 27, 2009

they call her love.

- L.V

maybe, im tired of waiting.
but why don't I feel tired of trying?

Thursday, March 26, 2009


-san franc.

I wouldn't have cared less even if you wrote it on a fucking piece of paper and gave it to me.
as long as you say it, i'll be fine.
gosh, i have no idea why im feeling so bitter nowadays
this isn't me.

So, i made my way back home and as usual, dylan cheered me up.The ice cream man kept ringing his bell,dylan kept jumping around like he had never heard bells ring before.I went down to get ice cream for him.
chocolate, to be exact, as instructed by the little munchkin.After we were done with our ice cream,dylan asked me to play a song.His exact words were, "stong, stong!" with saliva coming out from the side of his mouth.Okay gross, but what's a munchkin to do?I played a couple of songs,and when i got to dakota, he started "headbanging" in slowmo (he wouldn't have been able to do it that fast)and he imitated all my actions.Even, when i was lypsynching(however th fcuk you spell that), he followed.Oh, and i tried to teach him how to play the air guitar.He sucked at it.But oh well, what's a munchkin to do right?Hahaha.When i got to poker face, he jumped around even more, lost his balance, slipped, and fell on his ass. suckaaaaa. but i still adore him to

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

kill JOY

a happy song just won't do this time.

Dear anusha,
thanks for being there for me.
thanks for letting me know that im not alone.
thanks for encouraging me.
thanks for all the times you stuck by me,
even though i was always full of shit.
thanks for making me smile.
but most of all,
thanks for believing in me.
love you x

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Its about time

question: why are you choosing to show us all your negative aspects?
answer: uh, maybe its because we don't believe in the positive aspects that we apparently possess.

I'm not made of plastic.
I have a heart, too, you know?
I missed you, I miss you now, and I'll miss you.
so what's going on?
tell me.
talk to me.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I feel like barfing now.
must have been the expired chocolate milk and cranberry juice i accidentally drank.
the milk tasted bitter and the juice tasted like bad wine.
My sister scared the fuck out of me by calling me-sounding half dead- saying that her sugar level was low and she was going to pass out.bloody hell.ran downstairs like some scared little 5 year old and met her to pass her a ribena packet.she's well and alive now.oh and J, please please don't ever scare me like that again.
i just got my braces tightened and they are blue!
my teeth hurt, but whatever im hungry and i suddenly don't feel like barfing anymore.
gonna make myself kaya toast now:D
To-do list:
- get a carton of milk
- buy juice
- complete all 5 lit essays. ugh.
- study for ss test tmr.(shitttttt)
- clear dresser+table+floor

Sunday, March 22, 2009


okay so, someone introduced me to this song quite some time back.
and I just recently chanced upon it.
I think its real sweet:)you might like it, you might not.
but anyway,

noah and the whale-5yrstime
Oh well in five years time we could be walking round a zoo
With the sun shining down over me and you
And there'll be love in the bodies of the elephants too
And I'll put my hands over your eyes, but you'll peep through

And there'll be sun sun sun all over our bodies
And sun sun sun all down our necks
And sun sun sun all over our faces
And sun sun sun -so what the heck!

Cos I'll be laughing at all your silly little jokes
And we'll be laughing about how we used to smoke
All those stupid little cigarettes and drink stupid wine
Cos it's what we needed to have a good time

And it was fun fun fun when we were drinking
It was fun fun fun when we were drunk
And it was fun fun fun when we were laughing
It was fun fun fun, oh it was fun

Oh well I look at you and sayIt's the happiest that I've ever been
And I'll say I no longer feel I have to be James Dean
And she'll say"Yeah well I feel all pretty happy too"
And I'm always pretty happy when I'm just kicking back with you

And it'll be love love love all through our bodies
And love love love all through our minds
And it be Love love love all over her face
And Love love love all over mine

Although maybe all these moments are just in my head
I'll be thinking 'bout them as I'm lying in bed
And all that I believe, it might not become true
But in my mind I'm havin' a pretty good time with you

In five years time I might not know you
In five years time we might not speak
In five years time we might not get along
In five years time you might just prove me wrong

Oh there'll be love love love
Wherever you go
There'll be love

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I don't want them to ask me, "what jc/poly are you planning to go to?"
I want them to ask me, "where will you see yourself in ten years?"
I don't want them to ask me, "what book are you reading?"
I want them to ask me, "why do you read books?"
I don't want them to ask me, "what's your favourite colour?"
I want them to ask me, "why in the world do people go crazy over their fav colours?"
I don't want them to tell me, "i love you"
I want them to tell me what love means.
I don't want them to give me hope
and then shatter it.
I don't want them to make me think that im their friend,
when really,im just nothing but a mere companion.

I feel really distant from people lately.
close ones. loved ones.
I try to let them see me,
but to no avail.
The pain in my chest and tummy, is coming back again.
god knows why
I can't sleep, because my body doesn't allow me to.
but I don't care
I'll stay up for as long as I have to.
really is,
a bitch.
, and no one lets me think otherwise.

Friday, March 20, 2009

something's wrong


haha okay, the photo above was taken AGES ago.
my mother,
likes to cut off people's faces while taking photos
and apparently in this case,
especially my sister's.
but oh well.
I miss you.


okay, so you're finally 16 and a new pimple just recently popped up on your face(told you so)
haha k kidding
thanks for everything bud, really
you've been an awesome friend and,
you'll always be a woman to me.

PS: To (insert name), sorry about last night, I really am. I felt awful, don't ask me why. I just did. But, I just needed to let you know that, I believe you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I feel so small!

You don't make an accusation that the sky is blue; its simply a matter of fact.
I am a fool,
out of love.
Tell me what it means
Tell me how it feels like
Tell me
Tell me everything

Monday, March 16, 2009



stray thought:
okay,seriously. what's gotten into you? i never knew you like that. you were one of my better friends, and still are. i know you're probably reading this now. so here's to you. here's to being such a wonderful friend. but today. today, you hurt me. with words i've never heard you speak of before. maybe it was something i did.but no matter how much i wreck my brains, i will never be able to figure out, what it was that upset you. neither will i be able to figure out what's on your mind. that day, will never come, my dear friend. not unless, you tell me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

anima dannata

I just need assurance that I can cope with it
If I know that I can cope with it, I wouldn't get distracted easily - let alone feel tired easily
But I know that I can't cope with it
So stop saying that I can.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I woke up today with the biggest smile on my face.

financial game day. I had to pay for loads of doodads but bought a pizza franchise and won 500 000 bucks in the end. thanks jephhhhhh(:
I still think board games suck.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


In the sweetness of friendship, let there be laughter.
Training ended at 7.46 record.
Chris and I were laughing our asses off
we were talking about people and their farts haha
fucking hillarious
c laughed so hard,she stepped on a guy's toes
I laughed so hard, I..
I just laughed hard okay.
I don't know, its just something about embarrasing farting moments that get a funny way
had a blast.

stray thought:
I hate it when you guys have a cold war/argue.
work must have been tough
but that does not give you a reason to bring your misery from the workplace back home.
its like experiencing winter in the middle of summer.
if she's sick, she's sick.
that does not make her whiny/annoying whatsoever
i love you,
but i hate it when you get so worked up over nothing
i just simply,
hate it.
there's nothing i can do to turn back time
neither do i possess the power of changing things as the way they are now
you're not a bad person.
i refuse to believe that you are
come back to us, please.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


this thing right here.
the ________.
you know/
you don't.
till I figure out what's wrong.
but sadly,
that day will never come.
For I am nothing,
but just a
lost soul.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

cherry menthol

i'll fucking stay

chest tightens,
heart races.
I feel my pulse at my fingertips
Its pretty routine.
God, tell me what's wrong

Monday, March 9, 2009

nobody really cares

(Sorry mom,
for being such an inconvenience to you
on this beautiful monday morning.)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

cheer up bud

To (insert name),

Don't feel sad, don't feel bad.
my heart does ache for you
but everything's going to be just fine
do you understand?
this is coming from me.
no pills, no nothing.
things happen for a reason
maybe you'll find a reason
for all this.
but for now,
its time to take your medicine, doofus :)


I wanna save the world,

Saturday, March 7, 2009


its 1.47am now,
and i still have my makeup on.
I feel elated yet low spirited
relentless yet powerless
and truth be told, im kinda hungry
there you go.

ps: don't beat around anything next time, my not exactly the brightest bulb, and i cannot seem to figure people out. just tell me, whatever you wanna say okay?

I promise, I won't bite.

Friday, March 6, 2009

wake up

slide off bed, cold shower, pomegranate cranberry juice
, and im off.

dear sleepyhead: i won't write a song because i know i can't and i won't sing because i know it'll start to rain again. suckas(:

You were the friend I was looking for
thanks for everything,
but it kills me to say this,
now that i've realised
i was nothing more than just a companion
one that keeps you company
or hangs out with you when you're bored.
i was nothing more than just a
i reached out to you,
when you needed it the most
but you never saw me.
thanks for everything again
i never missed out the little things
so i just wanted to say,
goodbye,lost one.

Son of a Bachelor

Can't eat, can't sleep.

My heart aches for you,my dear
those small eyes with rivers building up in them
you don't see me, yet you long to be seen by me
you're not pathetic, you're just lost
my heart aches for you, my friend.