Monday, March 23, 2009


I feel like barfing now.
must have been the expired chocolate milk and cranberry juice i accidentally drank.
the milk tasted bitter and the juice tasted like bad wine.
My sister scared the fuck out of me by calling me-sounding half dead- saying that her sugar level was low and she was going to pass out.bloody hell.ran downstairs like some scared little 5 year old and met her to pass her a ribena packet.she's well and alive now.oh and J, please please don't ever scare me like that again.
i just got my braces tightened and they are blue!
my teeth hurt, but whatever im hungry and i suddenly don't feel like barfing anymore.
gonna make myself kaya toast now:D
To-do list:
- get a carton of milk
- buy juice
- complete all 5 lit essays. ugh.
- study for ss test tmr.(shitttttt)
- clear dresser+table+floor

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