Sunday, May 31, 2009

- disneyland for 5 year olds

" The good person loves people and uses things, while the bad person loves things and uses people. "

- Sydney J. Harris (1917-1986)

Friday, May 29, 2009

I don't understand

I wish I was 4 again.
I had my first crush, on the oreo boy.
He always gave me the creamy part of the cookie.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Its such a pity. We had plans.

Don't disappoint me- but you've already done enough to establish my disappointment in you.
I wish I did not have you.
I wish I did not have to work this hard.
I wish you listened to everything I said.

But it is about everything you do not say.
For I am psychic.
You like to make things difficult, and fail to notice life's simplicities.
You do not like me, and can hardly stand me.
But you are forced to love me.
At least, you have one other person in your life to be proud of.
ps: props to matthew for the fuzzy wuzzy test. my friend's adorable plead for me to tell her the answer, was fucking priceless (:

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


How do you gain satisfaction in inconviniencing others?
How do you manage to think so lowly of me when I inconvinience you unintentionally?

How do you long for acknowledgement ,
when you barely notice the little post-its I stick on your mirror every morning?

How do you expect us to grow close,
when all you do is look at me with such disdain everyday?

And how the hell do you even expect us to speak,
when all you do is criticize and pass judgement?

Monday, May 25, 2009

You can't say

We were once like jelly.
Sharing secret hideouts, and possessing secret handshakes.
We'd talk about society's flaws till dawn,
And awake to another one of those good mornings,
Where we then craved for pancakes with strawberries on the side.
But once we ran downstairs,
We did not cringe at the fact that there weren't any pancakes
(neither were there any strawberries),
For we had one another.
And I would not have traded all the pancakes and strawberries in the world,
For our friendship.
Then one day, you left.
With all your insecurities and failed attempts of trying to get hold of something
Thank you for making me feel like I was part of the team.
Thank you for noticing me.
Thank you for trying to teach me to control my emotions.
But do not do that,
I can't stand ironies.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I am happy because I just drank juice.

- gwendolynchiacailindivyajeyabalantriciagekkimchiajhansijeyabalan

tricia: "divya, you have sex hair!"
The girls and I made a pact - to meet up for coffee at least once a week and study . I think it'd be fun, considering the fact that we're getting along much better now. Better than before. Its called, growing up.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I have officially been cut off from the world.
Even the spare phone does not want to co-operate with me.
It actually feels kinda nice
to get away from everything.
but Im afraid I may start to feel more distant from you.
I am so tired, I hardly understand anything I am saying.
but I can't sleep
and I can't run either
because my ankle hurts
I don't even know why.

ps: lahvin if you're reading this, sorry for making you feel so awkward last saturday night haha. my mom hasn't met you in AGES. thus her reaction.I know she talked to you about the scooter racing incident and she told me how wild you were when you were in pre-school. reka was more crazy than you were. hope you enjoyed your party!

I want juice!

computer isn't working.
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computer isn't working.
phone isn't working.
and I failed chemistry :(

Sunday, May 17, 2009

when you "feel like it"

try to see if you can make sense out of this:
" I feel like dying, but I'm filled with hope "

Friday, May 15, 2009


- bridget's art (again)

Clark Quay with trish, jhansi and gwen. I actually had a blastttttttt. and the food was gooooooood. Its a pity though, trish will be going back to aus on tuesday. but its alright, cause we'll have a blast on monday again!

dammit im very hungry now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


- bedroom

okay, enough with my room already. I love it, that's all.
I just wanted to say this:
Biology killed me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have no name.
You're not a friend of mine.
At least, that's what you want.
Because you stay silent.
And I long for the bird at my windowsill, to stay.
Because for now, it is the only company I have.
but after I was done typing the above sentence,
I stared at my window once again- only to find that the bird has already
flown away.
just like the rest.
the bird must be busy - for it may possess other friendships,
ones that it treasures.
ones that I'd treasure.
You fail to notice the little kid and replicas.

chiasso, baccano

I eat my cupcakes, bottom up.

Monday, May 11, 2009


- bedroom

We had chinese for dinner last night at some restaurant and we ordered playboy chicken. haha im not kidding. well anyway, mom, I hope you liked my card. Even if it did not remind you of old times - where I vandalized the card with crayons and markers and pasted heart-shaped stickers all over it. I meant every word I wrote in that card. I really did. Because, my love for you is unconditional.

Friday, May 8, 2009


- bedroom

the sunset, really is golden, in my eyes.

"your father is a good man. never in his life has he lived a day without bearing a burden on his shoulders."

Thursday, May 7, 2009


" yay! the wapple shall be our affetizer "
divya, please quit tripping on your words. thanks.

math paper suckeddddddddddddd.
i felt super frustrated and kept scribbling on the paper.
i hope the marker gets pissed while marking my paper.
cause i think my scribbles were good.


jas: " don't call me today. i'll be sleeping. "
varsha: " can you please stop sleeping! turn on your vibrator or something. "
bra: " what's a vibrator? "
*hahaha okay, varsha meant that innocently, of course.


So im watching the sun set, and it has got to be around 18 degrees in my room cause im fucking freezing. but i don't care. not at all. because im happy. inside, i really am. i want to call someone, comfort them, and let them know i'll be there for them. but i don't think many people out there in the world give a shit as to what i've got to say to them. things like " it'll be okay." or "hey, im here for you alright?". it just doesn't make sense to them. so i call you. and im praying that you'll pick up the phone. because i want to let you know that everything will be alright. and that the math paper tomorrow shall be easy. and that the world's only going to end after we have died. and so, you pick up, sounding dopey, like as if you've got an egg in your mouth. and so i question, "do you have an egg in your mouth?". your reply is an exaggerated "noooooo!". but that's just you, so i smile. its amazing how friends can tell that you're sobbing even when you're trying to sound your best and you're trying to seem very perky. so he asks, "hey, are you okay?". and as usual i tell him not to be a dumbass, and that im perfectly normal. and he says no. because he knows im not okay. my friend knows that im not okay. so i promise him, that one day, i'll tell him. maybe tomorrow. but not today. because today, i am a happy person. and no one can stop me from feeling this way.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

( )

- disneyland for 5 year olds

I feel so happy right now, I can hardly contain any of my emotions.
Its amazing what happy songs can do for you.
Im so happy that, when I start to sing a line from any song, I burst out into fits of laughter.
I feel like running hahaha,
because Im happy.
I don't know whyyyyyy
no reason in particular.

ps: happy birthday ong!

Monday, May 4, 2009


- 3 x 16
Happy belated birthday prabraaaaaa!
I hope you liked the donuts and umbrellas as replacements for your birthday cake and candles haha.
and I hope you liked your gift as well!
its alright, you don't have to break your record haha
I love you grandma:)

Friday, May 1, 2009

customer service satisfaction



omg can someone pleaseeeeeee take me back to sf. I wanna run there. I wanna walk up to crooked street everyday. I wanna sip coffee at some really rad coffeeplace - which has this really hot cashier guy with monroe piercings and tattoos, and slurs as he speaks, and asks me if its the blueberry muffin or the apple one that I want. I wanna do crossword puzzles in the train every morning without having people to look at me as if Im some deranged 16 year old with a brain span of a 5 year old(singaporeans lahxzx). I wanna shop at macy's and armani till 5 and head out to watch the sunset.then start longing for sunrise, the very next day. And write poems all day while trying to master the acoustic. I'd go down to some dance studio and dance the afternoon off with my friends. Friends. Then I'd go back home and bake healthy, low-fat, diebetic vanilla muffins and bring it over to dance rehersal the very next day. Then, I'll die a happy person.

okay,Im having butterflies in my tummy again.Im going to run nowwwwwww

ps: happy labour day!