Friday, May 1, 2009

customer service satisfaction



omg can someone pleaseeeeeee take me back to sf. I wanna run there. I wanna walk up to crooked street everyday. I wanna sip coffee at some really rad coffeeplace - which has this really hot cashier guy with monroe piercings and tattoos, and slurs as he speaks, and asks me if its the blueberry muffin or the apple one that I want. I wanna do crossword puzzles in the train every morning without having people to look at me as if Im some deranged 16 year old with a brain span of a 5 year old(singaporeans lahxzx). I wanna shop at macy's and armani till 5 and head out to watch the sunset.then start longing for sunrise, the very next day. And write poems all day while trying to master the acoustic. I'd go down to some dance studio and dance the afternoon off with my friends. Friends. Then I'd go back home and bake healthy, low-fat, diebetic vanilla muffins and bring it over to dance rehersal the very next day. Then, I'll die a happy person.

okay,Im having butterflies in my tummy again.Im going to run nowwwwwww

ps: happy labour day!

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