Thursday, May 7, 2009


So im watching the sun set, and it has got to be around 18 degrees in my room cause im fucking freezing. but i don't care. not at all. because im happy. inside, i really am. i want to call someone, comfort them, and let them know i'll be there for them. but i don't think many people out there in the world give a shit as to what i've got to say to them. things like " it'll be okay." or "hey, im here for you alright?". it just doesn't make sense to them. so i call you. and im praying that you'll pick up the phone. because i want to let you know that everything will be alright. and that the math paper tomorrow shall be easy. and that the world's only going to end after we have died. and so, you pick up, sounding dopey, like as if you've got an egg in your mouth. and so i question, "do you have an egg in your mouth?". your reply is an exaggerated "noooooo!". but that's just you, so i smile. its amazing how friends can tell that you're sobbing even when you're trying to sound your best and you're trying to seem very perky. so he asks, "hey, are you okay?". and as usual i tell him not to be a dumbass, and that im perfectly normal. and he says no. because he knows im not okay. my friend knows that im not okay. so i promise him, that one day, i'll tell him. maybe tomorrow. but not today. because today, i am a happy person. and no one can stop me from feeling this way.

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