Sunday, April 12, 2009


van came over and we actually STUDIED.its a remarkable achievement,you know.chem to be exact.and then ash came and we studied bio.
my family invited grams over for lunch. instead, she cooked us mee goreng, put it in tupperware, and handed it to us.fucking adorable.
sorry, ness, if the indian food was too spicy:/ i would have cooked dumplings, but we didn't have yeah, and thanks ash, for everything hah
three of us went to paya lebar to get some stuff and we slept in the bus like pigs. i slept in the bus like a pig. i came home and slept like a you like pigs?pigs are stupid and horrible.


  1. oh you went t buy the secondhand guitar right?
    eh how much ah, i think i need t start saving up to get a new one cos apparently my guitar the strings are a little too far apart from the fret thingy so my fingers hurt cos i have t press the strings hard

  2. pigs sounds familiar, reminds me of someone i know. i think you just might know that person as well

  3. hahaha first hand.mine cost 69 bucks.which is actually pretty the bag which is 15'll cost less than 100 bucks in total, so its pretty worth it(:
    hahaha mus shutuppppp
