Sunday, April 19, 2009

Its okay,I'm used to being forgotten

- ofs global picnic day
Is it just me or is it fucking hot these days? I've had 5 showers kid. one at 7 am . one before tuition. one after tuition. one slightly after that. and one just before i came online.
I feel safest when there's water around me. You could bring me to a swimming complex and I'd never want to leave. I could visit the beach and long to stay in the sea for as long as, forever. Im not afraid of what's beneath me when Im in the water. In fact, I'd want to grab a pair of goggles and dive right down to see what there is among the all the corals, fish, and sand. I might as well become a mermaid. I have this stupid little dream - where when Im old enough, I'll sit on a big boat and watch whales, the size of buses, swim by.and hope that maybe someday, I'll be able to safe them from the possible brink of extinction.

This is where I come back to reality.

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